North Macedonia

North Macedonia CNG filling stations map, Карта на метан станциите в Северна Македония

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16 thoughts on “North Macedonia

  1. shkembim

    please open a CNG-station in Kosovo (Prishtina, Ferizaj-Urosevac)

    There is a lot of air pollution due to the large quantities of diesel cars…

  2. Goran Tomic

    There is no CNG in Gevgelia yet. Station have CNG sign but doesn’t fil yet. Anybody have information when it will start working?

  3. Marko


    2.16 EUR / 1 KG

    Be aware that price has raised, since the beginning of 2022 year

  4. Никола

    Makpetrol Kumanovo and Gevgelija, price of CNG on 01.07.2023. Is 62 den/kg (1 €/kg)

      1. Dzoni

        Da naravno…kod Kumanova se ide na nadvoznjak i opet se tu vracas na auto put za Grcku…a kod Evzonija ima pred samu granicu polukruzno nazad za Srbiju ili se iskljucis pre.


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