
Norway CNG filling stations, Norge CNG fyllestasjoner naturgass biogass

last updated 3.2021 – average price 17 NOK/kg (1.77 Euro)

B‘rumLommedalsveien 299+4740006700Credit Card 0-23:59RUTER Nettbuss AS
BillingstadOlav Ingelstadsvei 2+4724032500Credit Card
Gamle FredrikstadHabornveien 61+4724032500Work Days 7-16; Holiday
Gamle FredrikstadSpinneriveien 14-16+4724032500Credit Card
HortenLanggrunnveien 23+4733085000Credit Card
JevnakerMusmyrvegen 10+4761314720Credit Card
KleppeSolavegen 25 - J‘rhagen+4751908817!!!Closed!!!Lyse Neo AS
OsloHaraldrudveien 31+4722880832Work Days 6-17 Holiday
OsloVerkseier Furulundus Vei 1+4781532880Credit Card
RandabergRandabergveien 304+4751908817!!!Closed!!!Lyse Neo AS
SandnesGamleveien 2+4751908817!!!Closed!!!Lyse Neo AS
SarpsborgGlomveien 4+4724032500Credit Card
SkienRabbenkroken 19Credit Card 0-23:5916.99kr/kg Skagerak Energi Visa/Mastercard
StavangerAuglendsmyra 5+4751908817Credit Card 0-23:59Lyse Neo AS
StavangerPetroleumsveien 1+4722962530!!!Closed!!!
StokkeBorgeveien+4794131300Credit Card 0-23:59Air Liquide Skagerak LBG Station
StordHeiane Vest - Meatj›nnsvegen+4753496000Credit Card 0-23:59SKL Marked
TanangerEnergiveien 10+4751908000!!!Closed!!!
TonsbergTarandrodveien 95 3171 Sem+4794131300Monday: 5-18. Tuesday-Friday: 5-17. Saturday: 9-14. Sunday: Closed. price: 16.99 NOK/kg (1.77Euro)
TonsbergKilengaten 24+4794131300Credit card Price: 16.99 NOK/kg (1.77 Euro)

3 thoughts on “Norway

  1. Petra Aas

    +/- 4 kroner per m^3 (price per kg is probably related to density of gas at 200bar)

    Use currency converter, plot ” Kroner / Nkr ”
    this website+translate function can give some clues on fuel issues:

    Alternative guide to understand energy policy in Norway.
    (Warning: text is on a general level, text is verbal English, text has not been subject to spell control, for your own good: do not use text in homework assignments.)

    As all fuel in Norway: Price is dependent on tax level/tax policy, tax level can be changed on short notice, without any obvious logic or “sound reason”.

    -Example Tax
    1) Tax level on LPG was suddenly raised in order to keep/maintain electricity as the main energy source in households.
    2) Reason: Price on electricity has increased/gone up, because of increase in export of hydroelectric power (electricity), to continental Europe.
    3)Negative side effect of increased cost on electricity: LPG became a new and attractive alternative for Norwegian households.
    4)Problem: Households using LPG are obviously trying to evade tax, and to increase air emissions.
    5)Solution: Introduce a new tax on LPG with specific purpose to keep electricity as main source of energy in Norwegian households.

    -Example, price policy electric power:
    1) Norway runs on hydroelectric power
    2) Power plants has been paid for long time ago. Electricity is very cheap to produce.
    3) Government decide to make some profit, builds export cables to continental Europe, sell electricity at European price level.
    4) A sudden problem/crisis seems to show up every cold and dry winter (pretty often): Water reserves for power plants is suddenly critical low, the water has been used to produce “export” electricity for continental Europe.
    5) Attempt to find reasonable solution: Why not use one of the “reserve”/”stand by” power plants, located close to processing/export plants for natural gas? -Sorry-Can not do- it will violate national policy on air emission.
    6) Final solution benefiting the greater good: Import electric power from continental Europe, they have plenty surplus electricity capacity for export. They just need to start up old power plants running on coal.
    7) Short,. almost nonexisting public debate on the issue: “pollution, air emission”? “Of course THEY pollute, we just sold them coal for use in old power plants. (These immoral #%& dirty bast***! THEY keep burning all the coal/oil/gas we manage to export.)”
    Basic rule in public debate:
    -WE are not polluting and therefore a novel pepole
    -THEY are polluting, we can not judge them for this, but may good have mercy on their souls.
    -Do not question export of dirty hydrocarbons, this export is important for Norway. Export of hydrocarbon finance an increasing number of civil servants working on environment issues. We have an moral obligation to give advice on environmental issue to the rest of the world.
    (And when all other arguments are lost: electric power is sold with a 25% sales tax/VAT. High price = more tax = benefit for the greater good)

    Please forgive simple language, and lack of spell control.
    Experts might give a better explanation, with more details, using better English / better choice of words.
    (and some experts might disregard this a “meaningless simplification”, close to antisocial propaganda)

  2. Martin G.

    The CNG Station in Rypefjord is currently under deconstruction. When we were there last month we were told that unfortunately the station is closed but the closest available CNG station is in Boden, Sweden. So if you are going north, don’t count on this station.


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