
Map of CNG filling stations in Hungary
CNG állomás Magyarországon

Hungary last updated 10.2020, average price 0.95 €/kg

25 thoughts on “Hungary

    1. Kosmas

      Iris Energy Szigetszentmiklós price is around 1,40€/kg when the benzin 95 is 1,15€/ltr.
      Does not worth to move with CNG on this price!

    2. Jiri Kuchta

      Iris Energy Szigetszentmiklós price is 399 HUF/kg

      Iris Energy Szeged price is 439 HUF/kg !!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Zsolt

    Budapest “Kobanyai ut 55.” and “Budaorsi ut 128-134” price: 315 HUF
    Szigetszintmiklos at daytime: 345 HUF/kg.
    Szigetszintmiklos at nighttime: 359 HUF/kg.

  2. Jozin

    Blue Green Way opened a new CNG station in
    H 8800 Nagykanizsa
    Kalmár utca 5.
    Price/kg: 345 HUF (H-Gas)
    Open since 8th May 2017.
    Opening Hours: Every day 8-22
    Payment with: cash, Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, American Express.

  3. Zs

    “Can Szigetszintmiklos or Kobanyai ut 55 pay by credit card?”
    Answer: Yes, we can! 🙂
    City is called: “Szigetszentmiklos”. “e” instead of “i”!

  4. Tamas Dosay

    Már megnyitott Vecsésen a Mol legújabb töltőállomása !! De tudomásom szerint viszont Győrben nem működik ! Bezárt !

  5. Andrei

    in Hungary in City: Miskolc
    Address: Szondy Gyorgy u 18 refused to refuel a light car twice. they said that they have a station only for buses
    I ask you to mark on your map because I’ve doubled 75 km more to get to the station and back to the station!
    thank !!

  6. Csongor

    New CNG Station is available.
    Place: Hungary, Pécs, Verseny u. 1.
    Can pay cash and credit card. Price 345 HUF / Kg
    We use yesterday. 🙂

  7. Alexander Najdanovics

    Watch out the IRIS station in Szeged, they have changed the price, since 01 January 2019.
    The new price is 439,- HUF, which makes 1.37,-EUR.
    Just to keep in mind, this is far the most expensive station in Hungary

  8. Kalev

    Station at Göd (Nemeskeri-Kiss Miklos u. 108) not good, the manager said bad pressure and no Gas for me. Totally a waist time and energy.

  9. Jobbágy Miklós

    New LCNG Station opened in Hungary. The CNG is made from LNG fuel therefore it is super clean, however the MJ/l rate is just average (based on my test):


    This is a staffless, automatic filling station opening 0-24Hr 7×24
    The price is: 340Ft/kg (approx. 0,93EUR/kg)
    Operator: Pannon Fuel Kft.

    Please update CNGEUROPE Databes with this info.

    Thank you in advance,

    Have a nice day,

  10. Daniel

    Kántor Gáz filling station in Szigetszentmiklós is permanently closed, CNG is not available anymore.

  11. Pál Kis

    New station at Tápiószecső. 600 Ft/kg 5-21h
    Tápiószecső, Sülyi út 16, 2251

    Automatic, card only. 240 bar!


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