The European ECO-GATE project, is being funded by the EU in order to develop the natural gas market for mobility

The European Union approved 10 million euros worth of funding for the ECO-GATE project, which will be managed and coordinated by GAS NATURAL FENOSA, as the leader of a consortium made up of natural gas operators, technology and service providers, end users and marketing and promotion knowledge experts in Spain, Portugal, France and Germany.

The project will involve the construction of more than 20 gas refuelling stations along the Atlantic and Mediterranean Corridors of the Spanish, French, German and Portuguese road networks.

ECO-GATE projectThe European Commission has approved 10 million euros worth of funding for the development of the European ECO-GATE project, a global action plan in developing mobility with CNG and LNG in Europe, headed by GAS NATURAL FENOSA through the distributor Gas Natural Madrid, who will be responsible for managing and coordinating the project.

The more-than-20 foreseen gas refuelling stations will be located in each of the 4 countries contributing to the project —Germany, France, Portugal and Spain— and to do this, the approved funding will be shared amongst all four countries. Spain will receive funding to construct gas refuelling stations in Barcelona, Burgos, Madrid, Murcia, Salamanca, Irún, Tordesillas, La Junquera, Cordoba and Cartagena, among other cities.

The European ECO-GATE project is one of the most ambitious on the conventional and renewable vehicular natural gas market, with the deployment of infrastructures throughout the Atlantic and Mediterranean Corridors via new technology and innovative solutions.

ECO-GATE will make the rapid and mass deployment of this alternative fuel possible, thanks to a significant reduction in the unit cost, as well as a better understanding and more in-depth knowledge of customers’ needs.

Funding from the European Union has been approved due to the project’s enormous contribution to the compliance of European Directive 94/2014, and to the development of natural gas mobility in the market as an alternative fuel.

About the ECO-GATE consortium

ECO-GATE is run by a consortium of more than 20 businesses from Spain (24), Portugal (3), France (1) and Germany (1).

The following will contribute as natural gas operators: Gas Natural Madrid, Enagas Transporte, Dourogás Natural, Endesa Energia, Agas Siglo XXI, Galp Energia, EDP, Repsol, Gas Natural Europe, Inversora Melofe and Molgas Energía.

The following will contribute as technology and service providers: Cetil Dispensing Technology, Soltel It Solutions, Fundacion Cidaut, Evarm Innovacion, the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Fundación Imdea Energía, Audigna, Ghenova Ingeniería and Madisa.

As end users: Correos, San José López and EMT Palma.

And finally, the marketing and promotion knowledge experts participating will be: GASNAM, the Port Authority of Gijón, the Port Authority of Huelva, The University of Santiago de Compostela and Soulman Insightful Thinking.

About vehicular natural gas

Vehicular natural gas (VNG) plays a fundamental role in sustainable mobility in order to achieve better air quality and comply with the environmental obligations that we must address as a country. VNG reduces unhealthy air quality pollutants to “almost zero”, eliminating almost 100% of NO2 emissions and 96% of PM volatile particles, which are key factors in people’s health.

In addition, natural gas is a technologically competitive alternative fuel that has been widely used for decades and in various countries around the world — especially in Latin America and in many European countries such as Italy (a million vehicles) and Germany (half a million vehicles).


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